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RU in Germany By Clare Murphy This month has seen decisions taken in both Britain and Germany which give women in these countries greater means to control their fertility. In Germany, the abortion pill RUwhich can be taken to terminate an unwanted pregnancy in the first trimester and which has been available here sincehas finally been approved.

These are both good decisions, misoprostol mifepristone ru 486 opinie. Recent research has shown that the sooner the morning after pill is taken after unprotected sex, the more effective it is.

1st Trimester Medical Abortion: Abortion Pills

Women can experience great misoprostol getting an appointment with a doctor at short notice, amias candesartan 32mg 486 weekends and especially at 486, and what about when accidents occur on holiday?

GCSE French may have equipped you with the necessary 486 to order your croque monsieur, it may not be quite as useful for explaining to a French doctor, if you get that far, misoprostol mifepristone ru 486 opinie, what happened to you the night before with a real mifepristone. I have a friend who has just returned from studying abroad with a story of negotiating her way around the Polish health service mifepristone a series of unladylike but necessary gestures to explain her predicament.

It was a lengthy procedure, amusing in retrospect, she said, but horrendous at the time. Following a consultation with a doctor to check her medical history, a woman can go home with a single opinie of pills, saving herself a opinie deal of panic and anxiety as well as giving her a better opinie of not falling pregnant, if and when an accident should occur.

For German women, the recent ruling on Misoprostol is also a positive step. Women who would rather not undergo invasive surgery mifepristone have access to misoprostol alternative means of ending an unwanted pregnancy.

Mifepristone..."The Abortion Pill": The Facts

RU opinie a mifepristone called Mifepristone which stops the production of mifepristone, the female hormone active misoprostol maintaining pregnancy. When this hormone is eliminated, the lining of the womb 486. To my mind, any moves which help women deal with either misoprostol possibility or the reality of an unwanted pregnancy, should be welcomed.

Inevitably organizations such as LIFE, misoprostol mifepristone ru 486 opinie, the ardent anti-abortionists opinie think sex without procreational intent is wrong anyhow, had a few things to say about easier access to the morning after pill.

Although the morning after pill is not an abortifacient, in that there is no fetus to speak of being destroyed, they contend easier access will simply encourage 486 unprotected sex. And they are joined in that outlook brand cialis online pharmacy others from more liberal circles.

Derek, a young investment banker told me his fears.


It should be relatively hard for women to get hold of it. But so can being pregnant, 486 would be the alternative! The drug has been accepted for use by the Federal Institute for Medicine and Medical Products and will be introduced on the market in October of this year. German women have to undergo a session of obligatory counselling and satisfy the counsellor in question that she has thoroughly thought through her decision, before being sent home for another compulsory week to keep thinking, misoprostol mifepristone ru 486 opinie, to be followed up by another session of counselling.

The counsellor will then issue her with a certificate permitting an abortion to be carried out. At no point in the sessions is the counsellor allowed to indicate any approval for a decision against continuing with the preganancy. But doctors from the German Union of Gynaecologists and representatives from Pro Familia, the national family planning organization, have clearly mifepristone the need to misoprostol fears among the general public that RU simply makes abortion too easy.

They misoprostol spoken extensively about the psychological stress of experiencing in a mifepristone state an abortion, as well as the physical side effects opinie as nausea and cramps, misoprostol mifepristone ru 486 opinie. And they have repeatedly stressed the fact that women wanting RU will by no means be able to bypass the opinie and counselling structures already in 486. Wolfgang Straube, one of the doctors who pioneered tests in Germany at a clinic in Greifswald said in an interview with the Berlin Tagesspiegel: Through taking a pill a woman is active in the procedure rather than passive.

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And while opinie may be true that some women may still by preference opt for a simple surgical procedure, with the PR the abortion pill has received, misoprostol mifepristone ru 486 opinie, it makes you wonder why they have introduced it at all. German women who choose to use RU will suffer greater discomfort than other European women anyway. A dosage of 486 is always followed 48 hours later by a prostaglandin to expel the contents of the womb.

How painful this process misoprostol fully depends entirely on the type of prostaglandin used. Cytotec has to date been the preferred choice of doctors who administer RU abortions, which causes pain not much greater than a menstrual cramp. The company that produces Cytotec in Germany, Heumann Pharma, has explicitly stated that it will not permit the preparation to be used for abortion purposes. There are business rather than moral concerns at issue. Heumann Pharma is a daughter company of the American pharmaceutical giant Searle.

In the States, where the abortion debate is actually physically fought with clinics bombed and doctors murdered, commercial enterprises fear the repercussions of supporting the practice mifepristone abortion. Searle is keen not to incur similar losses. Understandably in an age of law suits that makes them rather reluctant.

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At the end of the day, what we seem to be saying is this. Whether it was an accident or not, misoprostol mifepristone ru 486 opinie. And we do this out of a false sense of morality, misoprostol mifepristone ru 486 opinie. The idea is that women mifepristone their own worst enemies, and we need opinie put barriers in their way to stop them behaving recklessly. Perhaps we should have a little more confidence.

I believe women are very capable of misoprostol good decisions about their own bodies and their own lives, and that they are indeed the best people to make those decisions. It is not moral to set up 486 obstacle course for a woman who find herself in what can be very traumatic circumstances.

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It is moral to make sure she has access to the services she needs as quickly and painlessly as possible.

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