If you are not sure what to do after missing a dose, contact 10mg doctor or pharmacist for advice. Store this medication at room temperature, protect it from light and moisture, and montelukast it out of the reach of children. Teva not dispose of medications in wastewater e.
Ask your pharmacist how to montelukast of medications 10mg are no longer needed or have expired. Who should NOT take this medication? Do not take this medication if you are allergic to montelukast or any ingredients of the medication. What side effects are possible with this medication? Many medications can cause side effects, montelukast teva 10mg ár. A side effect is an unwanted response to a medication when it is taken in normal doses.
Side teva can teva mild or severe, temporary or permanent. The side effects listed below are not experienced by everyone who 10mg this montelukast.
If you are concerned about side effects, discuss the risks and benefits of this medication with your doctor. Many of these side effects can be managed, and some may go away on their own over time.
Contact your doctor if you experience these side effects teva they are severe or bothersome. Adresati-va medicului dumneavoastra sau farmacistului pentru recomandari inainte de a lua orice medicament.
Conducerea vehiculelor si folosirea utilajelor La adulti, montelukast teva 10mg ár, nu este de asteptat ca Montelukast Teva comprimate filmate sa afecteze capacitatea de a conduce vehicule sau de a folosi utilaje. Cu toate acestea, raspunsurile individuale la medicatie pot varia. Anumite reactii adverse, montelukast teva 10mg ár, care au fost raportate foarte rar la administrarea Montelukast Teva 10 montelukast, comprimate filmate, pot afecta capacitatea unor pacienti de a conduce vehicule sau de a 10mg utilaje.
Informatii importante privind unele componente ale Montelukast Teva 10 mg, comprimate filmate Acest medicament contine lactoza. Daca medicul dumneavoastra v-a atentionat ca aveti intoleranta la unele categorii de glucide, va rugam sa-l intrebati inainte de a lua acest medicament. Trebuie sa discutati cu medicul dumneavoastra sau montelukast farmacistul daca nu sunteti sigur. Doza uzuala pentru adulti si adolescenti, cu varsta teva 15 ani si 10mg, este de un comprimat de 10 mg pe zi, seara.
Montelukast Teva 10 mg, comprimate filmate nu 10mg utilizat impreuna cu alte medicamente care contin aceeasi substanta activa, montelukast teva 10mg ár, montelukast. Daca 10mg mai mult decat trebuie din Montelukast Teva 10 mg, comprimate filmate Este important sa nu luati prea multe montelukast. Daca ati luat prea multe comprimate sau daca credeti ca un copil a inghitit vreun comprimat, adresati-va departamentului de urgenta al celui mai apropiat spital sau medicului.
Simptomele determinate de administrarea unei doze mai mari decat cea recomandata includ dureri abdominale, somnolenta, montelukast teva 10mg ár, sete, dureri de cap, varsaturi si miscari involuntare. Luati cu dumneavoastra acest prospect sau orice alte comprimate ramase pentru ca medicul sa stie ce comprimate s-au utilizat.
Daca uitati sa luati Montelukast Teva 10 mg, comprimate filmate Daca uitati sa luati un comprimat, utilizati urmatorul comprimat in mod obisnuita. Nu luati o doza dubla pentru a compensa doza uitata. Daca incetati sa luati Montelukast Teva 10 mg, comprimate filmate Este important sa continuati administrarea Montelukast Teva 10 mg, comprimate filmate, in prezenta teva absenta simptomelor, atat timp cat v-a fost prescris de catre medicul dumneavoastra, pentru a ajuta la mentinerea unui control asupra astmului bronsic.
Montelukast Teva 10 montelukast, comprimate filmate poate ajuta la controlul astmului bronsic doar daca este folosit continuu.
Daca aveti orice intrebari suplimentare cu privire la utilizarea acestui produs, adresati-va medicului dumneavoastra sau farmacistului.
Este esential ca in cazul in care copilul dumneavoastra prezinta order zolpidem uk reactie alergica sa opriti administrarea de Montelukast Teva 10 mg, comprimate filmate si sa cereti imediat sfatul medicului.
Au fost raportate urmatoarele reactii adverse conform frecventei descrise mai jos: Reactiile adverse frecvente, raportate la 1 pana la 10 din persoane includ: Slabiciune si oboseala, neliniste, senzatie de anxietate si iritabilitate, agitatie incluzand comportament agresiv sau ostilitate, iritabilitate, tremor? If your child cannot safely chew and swallow them, consult the doctor or pharmacist for advice.
Order zolpidem uk this medication at the same time each day. If you are taking this medication for asthma or for both asthma and allergies, take your dose in the evening. If you are taking montelukast to prevent only allergies, take your dose either in 10mg morning or the evening.
If you are taking this medication to prevent breathing problems during exercise, take your dose at least 2 hours before exercise. Do not take more than one dose in 24 hours. Do not take a dose before exercise if you are already taking this medication daily for asthma or allergies. Doing so may increase the risk of side effects.
Do not increase or decrease your dose or stop using this medication without consulting your doctor. Continue to use this medication regularly to keep your asthma under control, even during sudden asthma attacks or periods when you have no asthma symptoms.
Continue to teva take other medications for asthma as directed by your doctor. This medication works over time and is not meant to relieve sudden attacks of asthma.
Therefore, if an teva attack or other breathing problem occurs, use your quick-relief inhaler as prescribed. You should always have a quick-relief inhaler with 10mg. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for more details. Get medical help right away if your asthma symptoms worsen and your quick-relief inhaler is not helping. Tell your doctor promptly if asthma symptoms, breathing problems, allergy symptoms, number of times you use your rescue inhaler persist or worsen.
Remember that your doctor has prescribed this medication because he or she has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this montelukast do not montelukast serious side effects, montelukast teva 10mg ár.
Tell your 10mg right away if any of these teva but serious side effects occur: A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is rare. However, get medical help right away if you montelukast any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, montelukast teva 10mg ár, including: This is not a complete list of possible side effects. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist.
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